Vernacular Guide Entry - Rosencraft

Rosencraft – 1.) The family line that began with the marriage of Alexander Abh and Anastacia Arenzai.
2.) The association of family, friends and allies connected to the members of the Rosencraft family in an explicit manner.
3.) The group of experimental subjects that survived the hybrid experiment conducted by Genosa I and II.

Rosencraft exceeds simply a name. It is like a brand. Throughout the book, it is used not just to delineate the members of the family, but those people that are not related by blood to the Rosencraft, but are considered as important as family. Because of their close relation to the Rosnecraft family, these individuals are also referred to as Rosencraft in the same manner that a child would refer to a close friend of their parent as aunt or uncle. By virtue of alignment with the Rosencraft family, these individuals are considered to be de facto members of the Rosencraft family in the light of considering the Rosencraft family to be something of an organization rather than a simple family.

Along the family lines, the Rosencraft family begins with Alexander and Anastacia. The name then goes to their children. From there it goes to their children and so on. Through this relationship, Kenshin, Runa, Lafiel, May, Sisi and Noa are actually members of the family though not along the direct bloodline. Genosa wanted to constrain the genetic variability so the experiments were centered first around the family of Kenshin and Runa’s parents. Intriguingly, it was missed that this led to a direct convergence with Teana and Yamiyugi that pits Runa and Kenshin as having them as aunt and uncle; Kenshin and Runa’s grandfather was the brother of Teana’s grandfather. Sisi can be considered something of a second aunt to Anzu and Rini. Lafiel and Noa are cousins. May is something like a cousin once removed in relation to Runa and Kenshin. Yugi is treated along the lines of being Lynette’s brother because they have the same grandmother, although they are actually cousins. Tea is a bit harder to pin down. Indications are that she and Tea is descended from Teana, but it is more likely she is descended from Teana’s aunt who is revealed in the supplement to Book of the Shadows, Their Story, to have found out she was pregnant the same time Genosa was in the midst of his hybrid experiment; she was actually at the hospital and met with Kenshin’s mother before receiving what she was told was a vaccine to help prevent infection. This is likely the origins of Seto’s descent as well, with a divergence coming later on due to adoption. However, more recent information suggests that his relation comes from Runa and Kenshin’s branch of the family.

Demon World noble, Sesshomaru, can sometimes be referred to as "one of the Rosencraft" due to his allegiance with them in the past. Others who have worked alongside the Rosencraft in various capacities have likewise been bestowed this same title, whether as an insult or as a compliment.

A reference used sparsely through Book of the Shadows, but used more in Advancing Shadows and in the supplements to both series’ is the delineation of the hybrid experiments as "Rosencraft" by Genosa and Lunar Perigee, a reference to the view of Alexander and Anastacia’s union and starting of the strongest line of Hawks in Nemesis history being a product of Alexander himself being a hybrid born naturally between his Lucifer Hawk father and Vampire mother. This instance uses the Rosencraft more as the name of a class of experiments as opposed to someone's actual name - like a form of shorthand.


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