Vernacular Guide Entry - Council of 46

Council of 46 – a 47 member body that acts as the governing body of Spirit World.

The Council of 46 differs slightly more from its Bleach incarnation than other carryovers. For starters, there are actually 47 members to the Council of 46. They serve as a parliamentary body in Spirit World. The 47th member of the council is the Commander of Spirit World, who is chosen by the council from its members when the time arises. This means the council is dropped down to 45 plus the Commander, at which time a new member to the council is also selected. The Commander is the deciding vote in the event of ties, but otherwise does not take part in the day to day operations of the council, hence why it is named Council of 46.

Unlike in Bleach, the members of the council are not considered to be Shinigami. The council has little to nothing to actually do with the Shinigami or the Court Guard squads. The council is usually only concerned with maintaining legislative order in Spirit World, ruling more in the form of a judiciary in review of practices, new and old, concerning the organization of the inhabitants of Spirit World. Additionally, the council makes general rulings regarding special requests and matters of concern such as where serious life criminals should be taken, or what requests prominent figures will be allowed to take. It’s important to remember that we are talking about prominence on a large scale; universal, not just a city or even a planet alone.

The council does not assemble regularly. Spirit World is a generally peaceful area simply by the fact that with most forms of power dying with a person’s body, there is little to no way to harm anyone. Additionally, everything is provided for everyone at their request, with some obvious exceptions being weapons. Of course rampant abuse of such a system will award a person a classification similar to serious criminals that would thus land them without much of what they did have. As such, the council only has cause to meet occasionally to take care of any issues that have arisen.


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